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Category: Business Intelligence

Reporting Services Reports With Sparklines Running Very Slow

I recently encountered a fairly significant performance issue with SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2 and Reporting Services Azure. After having built out an electoral report that broke down election results poll by poll, I used what I think is a fantastic new feature in Reporting Services 2008 R2, sparklines.

A sparkline is essentially a mini-graph – a visual representation of a single row of data. In my case, it is the results, by party (as indicated by colour) for a given poll. It looks like this:


Once I got this report looking the way that I wanted it to, I deployed it to Azure Reporting Services. However, when I ran the report, it took an incredibly long time to load (3 minutes and 30 seconds). I immediately blamed Azure RS for this, as it’s still a preview edition. However, further testing revealed the same behaviour on an on-premise deployment. The puzzling thing was that it rendered very quickly using the preview in BIDS or in Report Builder.

Adding to the mystery is the fact that the report renders fairly quickly when called from the Reporting Service web service to create a PDF file, or even an HTML file. I managed to discover this when I decided to pre-create a number of these reports in PDF format to reducre the load time for users (more on how I did this in an upcoming post).

The oddest part is precisely where the performance problem shows up. When the report is run using a browser, the browser thread’s CPU utilization goes up to 100% of available resources (a 2 core machine CPU runs up to 50%). This is happening on the client side.

On a hunch, I tried removing the sparklines. Presto, the load time dropped to 20 seconds. So I don’t get to use my sparklines in the live report which is unfortunate, but at least I found the culprit. What I wish I knew was why this was happening, or if there’s something I’m simply doing wrong.

If anyone has any ideas, I’m all ears.


How to Get SharePoint Data Into a Data Warehouse (And Back Again)

With apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien……

Yesterday, as part of the ongoing Panellist Spotlight series for SharePoint Shoptalk, I presented a session on how to move your data from SharePoint, and in to a data warehouse, and then consume the warehoused data directly within SharePoint. These presentations are recorded, and posted online, and if you’re interested, you can view the entire presentation below:

In it, I demonstrate how SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) can be used to extract the data from SharePoint, and to store it in a SQL Server data warehouse. Then I walk through the creation of an external content type, and an external list using SharePoint Designer and SharePoint Business Connectivity Services (BCS). Finally, I create a report using SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) in SharePoint Integrated mode.

Thanks to Jamees Wright for organizing the session, and to my fellow panellist, Laura Rogers.


Archiving Your SharePoint Workflow History Lists

If you’ve worked at all with SharePoint declarative workflows (the ones that you use InfoPath to create), or others, such as Nintex workflows that are based on them, you are undoubtedly aware of their ability to log items to the history list. These items  are those that appear in the Workflow History section of the workflow status page.


What may be less commonly known is how this works. This history list is really just a view of items that are contained in a hidden list on the site, and whenever an item is logged to the list, it gets created in the history list. For regular SharePoint workflows, this list is located at http://yoursiteurl/Lists/Workflow History, and for For Nintex workflows, you can find it at http://yoursiteurl/Lists/NintexWorkflowHistory. So, why does this matter? Well, if you need to audit what is has happened with your workflows, this is where the information is contained.

There is, however a catch. By default, SharePoint will run a Timer job named “Workflow Auto Cleanup” daily that will remove all of the the tasks associated with a workflow, and all of the history links for workflows that are over 60 days old. This is done for performance reasons. Well, unless your audit requirements only go back two months, this isn’t going to work for you.

Try doing a search for “Workflow History” and you’ll see that this has caused a number of issues (especially for those that have found it out after the fact. The good news for those people is that the workflow history list isn’t actually purged (which is also bad news, as we’ll see shortly), and those links can be recreated through reporting. However, the most common guidance found on this topic is to simply disable the automatic cleanup job, as outlined in this very poorly named Technet article.

The problem with disabling the job is that performance will suffer, potentially badly. Assume that we have an approval workflow that runs on a list that will receive 2500 approvals annually. This is a reasonably  sized list (for SharePoint 2010). Now lets also assume that during the life of the workflow, 10 items get logged to the history list. This means that in a given year, 25,000 items are being logged to the history list, which is beyond the default list view threshold of administrators, and would be considered a very large list.

What is needed is a way to balance the auditing requirements with the list size constraints of SharePoint. 25,000 items may be a large SharePoint list, but it’s trivial to a relational database like SQL. What the remainder of this article will do is to discuss how to use Microsoft’s Business Intelligence tools to extract workflow history data into a data warehouse, and then safely purge it from the workflow history list. This will be a lengthy one.

Step 1 – Extract And Load

In my opinion, one of the most underutilized tools in Microsoft’s arsenal is SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). Almost every SharePoint site has it, and very few know about it. It is Microsoft’s ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) tool, and it is used for taking data from source systems, performing operations on it, and loading it into a destination system, which is typically a data warehouse in the form of one or more SQL databases. This is precisely what we need to do with our Workflow History data. You can read more about SSIS here.

The problem however is that SSIS does not support SharePoint list data as a data source. Yes, ultimately all SharePoint data is stored in SQL content databases, but we all know that we’re supposed to stay out of there. SharePoint data should only be accessed via UI constructs, the SharePoint APIs, or the SharePoint web services.

Happily, a Codeplex project was created several years ago that adds both source and destination SSIS adapters for SharePoint list data, and yes, it works well with SharePoint 2007 data. What this project does is to encapsulate calls to the SharePoint web services into SSIS data adapters. Because it uses the SharePoint web services (not the API), there is no requirement for the SharePoint bits to be installed where it is being run.

You can find an excellent tutorial on how to set this up here, so I’m not going to go into any details on that. I will however cover the basic steps below. First, however I want to outline the logic involved.

What we want to be able to do is to maintain a complete log of workflow history. We also want to be able to keep the history in SharePoint for a period of time (60 days by default), and then be able to purge it, knowing that it’s secure in the data warehouse. Therefore, we need to take an initial dump of the data, and then be able to add only new items to it. The design of the data warehouse will also support multiple site history lists.

The solution will consist of 2 tables in a SQL data warehouse (a staging table and the actual archive table). The SSIS package will perform the following steps:

  1. Empty the staging table
  2. Extract the entire Workflow History List (SP) into the staging table (SQL)
  3. Query the archive table for the most recent entry
  4. Extract all items from the staging table more recent than the entry in step 3 into the archive table, and add in a site identifier.

First, open up Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS). BIDS is really just Visual Studio with all of the SQL BI project types added, and is normally installed when SQL is installed. If not, you can install it from the SQL media. You do not need SQL server installed to use it, but it does have some advantages.

From the Business Intelligence Projects section, select “Integration Services Project”, and give it a solution and project name. You’ll then be presented with the SSIS design canvas. The first thing that you’ll want to do is to create two connection managers – one for SharePoint, and one for SQL. In the Connection Managers pane right click anywhere in the window and select “New Connection”


Scroll down, and select SPCRED – Connection manager for SharePoint connections, give it a name, and select the credentials. If you use the credentials of the executing process, it will use your credentials when you test it, but the credentials of the SQL Server Agent process if you schedule it to run automatically. Alternatively, you can enter the credentials of a proxy account, which is what I typically do. Repeat this process, only this time select OLEDB and configure the connection to your SQL Data Warehouse database (if you haven’t already done so, you’ll need to create a SQL database to house the archive).

Next, from the Toolbox, drag a Data Flow Task onto the Design surface. Your surface should look something like below:


Double click on the Data Flow task, and the Data Flow window will open (you can also click on the Data Flow Tab). Here, from the toolbox, drag a SharePoint List Source, and an OLE DB Destination task onto the surface. Double click on the SharePoint List source, then click in the area to the right of the SharePoint Credential Connection, and set the Connection manager to the manager that you created above.


Next, click on the Component properties tab, and enter valid values for the SharePoint source site URL, and the list name. The List name will either be WorkflowHistory for standard SharePoint workflows, or NintexWorkflowHistory, for Nintex workflows.


Click OK. Next, grab the green arrow at the bottom of the SharePoint List source, and connect it to the OLE DB Destination. Double click on the OLE DB Destination, and select the New button beside the Name of the table field. What this allows us to do is to create our Temp Table in the Data Warehouse with the appropriate schema for our Workflow History List. Once the create table widow is open, simple change the name of the table to what you want (in this case wfhStaging).


As soon as you click OK, the table is created in SQL. Next, click the Mappings tab on the left, and confirm that all of the fields are mapped correctly from the SharePoint list, to the SQL table. No changes should be required. When complete, click OK, and the data flow is ready for testing. From the BIDS debug menu, select Start debugging. After a pause, the process will run, and the boxes will turn  yellow and green as the process executes. If all works properly, you will see something like the screen below:


Both boxes green indicate that the process completed successfully, and there will be an indicator showing the number of rows that were transferred. You can confirm this by opening up SQL Server Management Studio, selecting your Data Warehouse database and running the following query:

SELECT Count(id) From wfhStaging

At this point, we need to stop our debugging process and switch back to the Control Flow tab. Given that we want to repopulate the staging table whenever we run this package, we need to first clear it at the beginning of the run. Drag an “Execute SQL Task” from the toolbox onto the design surface above or to the left of the data flow task. Us its arrow to connect it to the Data Flow task, and then double click on it. Select your OLE DB connection as its connection property and enter the following SQL (substituting your table name) as its SQL Statement:



Next, we will need to create and populate our actual archive table. To do this, drag another Data Flow task onto the design surface. Connect the output from the first data flow task to it and then double click on it. Drag an OLEDB Source, a derived column, and an OLEDB destination onto the design surface.

We want to be able to store the workflow history for multiple sites in the same data warehouse table. To do this, we need to add another identifier column to the schema of the workflow history list that will uniquely identify the source site. In our case we will use the relative site URL. The derived column action will add this column to each row as it is processed.

Configure the OLEDB Source to read from the Staging table. Then, connect the OLEDB Source to the Derived Column action with the green arrow. Double click on the derived column action. Under the Derived Column Name, enter the name of the new column. Leave the Derived Column action as “add as new column”, and for the expression we will simply use a literal string for the site relative site URL. When complete, the action should appear as below.


Click OK to close the dialog, and then connect the derived column action to the OLEDB Destination action with the green arrow. Double click the OLEDB Destination action and repeat the steps taken above to create the staging table, only this time, you’ll create the actual archive table. This time, when you click on the Mappings tab, note that the SiteURL column has been added at the bottom. Don’t run debug at this point, as it will run the entire package. Click back on the Control Flow tab,  right click on the new Data Flow action, and select Execute Task. Just that task will run, and if you move back to the Data Flow tab, you should see that the same number of rows have been added to the archive table.

Now we need to ensure that only the new columns from the staging table are moved into the archive table. To do this, we will change the select statement in the OLEDB source of the second data flow task. Firstly, we’ll need to know what the date/time latest record in the archive table for this site. The SQL statement for this looks like

SELECT MAX(Modified) From wfhArchive 
Where SiteURL='/SalespersonChangeRequest'

So therefore, we can embed that statement into the select statement for our staging table. However, we still need to accommodate the case where there are no records in the archive table, where the above statement returns a NULL value. To deal with this, we can use the ISNULL TSQL function, and our complete staging table select statement will be

SELECT * FROM wfhStaging 
Where Modified > 
      (SELECT MAX(Modified) From wfhArchive 
       Where SiteURL='/SalespersonChangeRequest'

Translated into English, this basically says “Find the value for modified of the most recent record of any items with SiteURL set to /SalesPersonChangeRequest. If you don’t find any, set it to 1900-01-01. Then, get me everything from the staging table with a modified date more recent.”

Now that we have our SQL, we need to modify our OLEDB Source action. Double click on it, and then change the Data access mode from “Table or view” to “SQL command”. Then, add the select statement to the SQL command text window. At completion, the window should appear as follows:


Once done click back to the Control Flow tab, and then start Debugging (you can also just press the F5 key to start debug). The first Data Flow task should write all of the source records to the table, and the second should write none (assuming nothing has happened to the source since you did the initial extract. You can try deleting some of the records from the archive table, and rerunning the package – they should get replaced. That was step 1.

Step 2 – Schedule the package

Now that we have our package, we want it to run periodically (usually nightly). We do this by deploying the package to the server, and then scheduling to run with the SQL job agent.

To deploy the package, we need to first create a deployment utility for it. To do this, we must first select the Project in the Solution Explorer pane, and then select Project-Properties from the menu. The Configuration Properties window is then opened. In the left pane, select the Deployment Utility tab, and ensure that the CreateDeploymentUtility is set to True.


Also – take note of the DeploymentOutputPath value.

run the deployment utility for it. The deployment utility is  stored in a subfolder of the package project. You can find the folder of the project by selecting the project in the Solution Explorer pane, and then examining its FullPath  property in the Properties pane. Open the project path in Windows Explorer, and then navigate to the DeploymentOutputPath as noted above. In that folder, you’ll find a file named yourprojectname.SSISDeploymentManifest. When ready to deploy, double click on it, and the Deployment wizard will start.

The deployment wizard is straightforward and self explanatory. You’ll want to select “SQL Server deployment” on the first screen, then the SQL server that you wish to deploy to (usually (local) ), and select a location for the Package Path (the root is likely fine). Once the wizard is complete, you are ready to schedule the package.

Open Up SQL Server Management Studio, and connect the destination server. If the SQL Server Agent service is not running, start it (you’ll want to make sure that it is started automatically). Expand the Agent node, and then expand the Jobs node. Right click on Jobs, and select New Job.


Give the Job a name, then click on the Steps tab. Click the New button to create a new step, and give it a name. In the Type dropdown, select “SQL Server Integration Services Package”. In the General section, select the SQL server that holds the package, and then use the ellipsis in the Package field to select the package you deployed above.


Next, click the Schedules tab, click the new button, give the schedule a name, and select when you want the job to run. Save the schedule, and then save the job (click OK). Your job should now appear in the Jobs folder. To test it, right click on it and select “Start Job at step”. The job will run and you will see its progress in a dialog.

There are many options for scheduling SSIS jobs, and for error handling, and I would strongly recommend investigating them.

Step 3 – Purge the Workflow History Data

As mentioned above, the workflow cleanup job removes workflow history associations, but does not actually delete the items from the list, allowing that list to grow large. If you use Nintex, there’s a Nintex command that will take care of this for you:

NWAdmin.exe –o PurgeHistoryListData  -siteUrl urlToSite 
 [-workflowName workflowName] [-days daysSinceLastActivity] 
 [-lastActivityBefore datetime DateFormat)] [-state All|Running|Completed|Cancelled|Error]
 [-deletedLists] [-clearAll [-workflowItemId id -workflowListName "list name"]] [-verbose]
 [-reportOnly] [-batchSize numberDefaultIs500]
 [-pauseAfterBatch] [-maxItemsToDelete number]

This command is run on a front end server. To keep things up to date it would need to be scheduled. However, if you’re using out of the box workflows, there is no equivalent command. You could just access the history list and remove old data, but since SharePoint has built in tools for this, I recommend using them. These features are contained in the Information management policy settings of any list.

Open the Workflow history list (your site url + Lists/WorkflowHistory or NintexWorkflowHistory). Open the List settings page, and select “Information management policy settings” in the Permissions and Management section. If you don’t see this option, you may need to enable the relevant features.In the Content type policies, select the Workflow History content type, and then select “Enable Retention”. Once enabled, you will be able to select “Add a retention stage”.

The retention stage is what we will use to delete the workflow history items (which, given the name, is somewhat counter-intuitive, don’t you think?). Date occurred is when the event occurred, so it is likely our best time indicator, and I would suggest a period of time at least double to the automatic cleanup task, which is 60 days. Finally, we want the item to be deleted at this point, so we select “Permanently Delete” from the Action dropdown. When complete, the stage will appear as follows:


Once we save our policy, the expired items will be deleted the next time the timer jobs run.

And that’s all there is to it!

Now that we’ve taken the data out of SharePoint, it’s no longer obviously available to end users. If this is important, we will need to build some Reporting Services reports, and integrate them back into the appropriate locations in SharePoint. This will (hopefully) be the subject of an upcoming post.


Announcing the Premiere of The Data Queen

I’m happy to announce that a new UnlimitedViz blog went live today, The Data Queen. This blog is authored by Martina White who has over 10 years experience working with Business Intelligence products, originally Cognos, but for the past 6 years has been working exclusively with the Microsoft BI stack of products.

Martina is a cube designer extraordinaire and can form data into all kinds of informative shapes, hence the nickname. We’ve convinced her to start putting her techniques out in public, and this blog is the result. She’s already posted a couple of interesting articles, and there will be many more to come.

Have a look when you get a chance – it’s at

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Connecting to Cubes and External Data with Excel in SharePoint

While many people are still unaware of it, Excel 2010 (and even previous versions) is a very powerful business intelligence client. That’s right, I said Excel. And I don’t mean the classic grab some data, do some charts and email it around sort of Excel, I mean connecting it to Analysis Services cubes and performing fast, useful data analytics on known sets of data. It can also go off and do some pretty amazing things with the Data Mining add-in, or PowerPivot, but for now I’m going to restrict myself to using core capabilities, and getting them published to SharePoint.

To start with, it’s important to understand how SharePoint interacts with Excel. Of course, at it’s core, you can store Excel files in a SharePoint document library,and open them in Excel. However,starting with SharePoint 2007,SharePoint included Excel Services, which allowed you to open a spreadsheet directly in the browser (without having Excel installed or using any ActiveX trickery). It also provided an Excel calculation engine, that was programmatically callable. Why would that matter? A power user could develop a complex model with Excel, store it in SharePoint, which could then be used as a calculation “black box” for other things. The model could also be tweaked by the power user as necessary with them needing  to worry about coding. Finally, you could expose part of the spreadsheet (and named range or object) through the Excel Services web part, which would truly allow you to incorporate Excel content into a dashboard.

SharePoint 2010 brings more to the table, including not only the browser consumption of spreadsheet content, but editing through the Excel Web Application.

However, all of this power does not come without its risks, and when interacting with external data, risks abound. Microsoft has done an excellent job of providing us with a highly secure infrastructure that allows us to do what we want here, but the only trouble is that it’s not always clear which approach to take. My aim in this article is to navigate through the process of connecting to an external data source (an analysis services cube, but the principle applies to others) in a particular scenario in a simple fashion. Our scenario is a fairly common one:

  • One Front End SharePoint Server
  • One SQL back end Server hosting the SharePoint databases
  • One SQL server hosting the Data Warehouse and the Analysis Services cubes
  • Kerberos not installed in the environment

In this environment, we have an authentication problem, the famous double hop problem. If I as a user ask the server to process a spreadsheet that connects to external data, it can’t just take my authentication token and pass it along to the external data source. What we need to do is to set up a proxy account (this has its own set of implications that I won’t get into here) and we’ll do that via the secure store service. If you’re using Kerberos, then you don’t have the double hop problem and the Secure Store part of this won’t apply, but then you’re probably busy enough dealing with Kerberos issues anyway….

If you’ve ever connected to external data, and then sent the file to someone else, you’ll know that they get prompted to verify that they want to connect to the data source and that they trust the connection. In this case, the author has created an embedded data connection. Embedded data connections are not allowed (or at least are strongly discouraged) on the server, because it has no way of verifying the authenticity of the connection.

The way that we deal with this in SharePoint is by creating a connection file, and then publishing it to a trusted location in SharePoint. Administrators need to take heed, in that by default, Excel Services trusts all SharePoint locations, which makes life easy, but not necessarily secure. The library that the connections are stored in should also utilize approval features, but this is not required. This walkthrough isn’t concerning itself with the security aspects, but they need to be considered in any real world situation.

Most of the steps below only need to be performed once, and connection documents can be reused, etc. However, this walkthrough is aimed at getting everything all set up from scratch.

We also don’t want to store our credentials in our connection string, so we will utilize the Secure Store service in SharePoint which will allow us to use, without necessarily knowing, a set of credentials. This will allows us to work around the double hop problem in a secure way. We will start with the setup of the Secure Store Service.

1. Set up the Secure Store Service ID

From Central Administration, navigate to Manage Service Applications, and click on your Secure Store application. If you don’t have one already, you’ll need to create one. You should know that SharePoint Foundation does NOT come with the Secure Store service. However, Search Server Express 2010 does come with it (and a few other things). Given that it’s free, it provides a nice option.

The Secure Store Service Application relies on both the Secure Store Service (duh) and the Claims to Windows Token service. You’ll need to make sure that they’re both started in the “Services on Server” Section in Central Administration System Settings.

The secure Store application requires an encryption key. If  one has not already been created, you’ll see a message indicating that you need to do so. The process is simple, just click the “Generate New Key” button in the ribbon.


Once a key has been created, we need to create a new target application, which is essentially a set of credentials. This is the application that our connection strings will reference when they need to connect to a back end data source. You create a new application by clicking the “New” button in the ribbon. The New application screen then appears.


There are a couple of things to note on this screen. Firstly, the Target Application ID is the ID that you will be using when you set up your connection below. You can name it what you like, but you’ll need to remember what it is. The Display Name and the Contact E-Mail need to be filled in, but the important thing to note is the Target Application Type field. If this is to be used by more than one person, you need to make sure that it is set to Group. By default, it is set to Individual, which doesn’t work so well in a shared environment. Take it from me – I found out the hard way. When this is filled in, click Next, and you’re presented with the following screen.


The Administrators are just that – the people who will set the properties of this set of credentials. The Members are the people that will be allowed to use this credential set in connections, External Lists etc. In the example above it’s set to anyone authenticated, which again, I wouldn’t recommend in production…..

When done, click OK, and we’re done right? Not so fast. We never actually set the credentials for this application, just everything around it. To do that, we select the application, and click the “Set (credentials)” button in the ribbon, or hover over the ID in the list and select “Set Credentials” from the dropdown.


In the subsequent screen you enter the account and the password (twice) of the credentials that are to be used as a proxy. Click OK and you’re done. A couple of things to note. If using a Windows account the name should be in DOMAINACCOUNT format. The proxy account is NOT a managed account, and if the password changes, you’ll need to come back here to update it. The proxy account should be a least privileges account, with access only to the things that are absolutely necessary to retrieve the appropriate data, or whatever its purpose is. Don’t add it to the Domain Administrators group.

OK, now step 1 is done. Whew.

2. Set up a Data Connection Library

The next thing we need to do is to set up a library to store our data connections. If you’ve set up a BI Site already (to use PerformancePoint), you can use the libraries there. Depending on your requirements, I find that it’s often a good idea to centralize this library and use it from different locations, but your requirements may vary. What we want to create is a Data Connection Library. This library will be used to store connections for both the Office Applications (ODC) and InfoPath UDC).

From the Site Actions menu on the site where it is to be located, select More Options, the, in the subsequent dialog box, Filter by Library, and select Data Connection Library. Give it a name (Don’t use spaces  here, you can always come back and add them later, but we don’t want spaces in the internal name), and click Create


What makes this library special is that it uses the “Office Data Connection File” and the “Universal Data Connection File” content types. You could always add these content types to any old document library and achieve the same effect. You could also include Reporting Services connections if you’re using Reporting Services in integrated mode.

This library also needs to be registered as trusted in the Excel Services Application. This is done through the Manage Service Applications section of Central Administration. Simply click on your Excel Services application, click Trusted Data Connection Libraries, and add the URL of your library, if not already there.


3. Set up a Library to house the Excel Reports

You can store the Excel Report that we’ll be creating below into any document library in the Site Collection. If you have set up a BI Center, then you already have a “Reports” library, whose purpose is to do just that. Oddly, by default, this library isn’t set up to contain Reporting Services reports (.rdl files), but that isn’t relevant to my task here.

You simply need to create a new document library, and for the purposes of this example, I’ll call mine Excel Reports (original, huh?)

You’re now ready to create our connection. We’ll use Excel to do that.

4. Create And Store The Connection File

Open a new Spreadsheet in Excel. Click on the Data tab, then click the “From Other Sources” button and choose “From Analysis Services” (obviously, if you’re using something else, choose that).


Enter in the name of your server, and click Next, Select the Database and Cube that you want to connect to, and then click Next again. We’ll need to do a couple of things in the last screen that appears.


First, select “Always attempt to use this file to refresh data”. Then, click the “Authentication Settings” button. This is where it gets interesting.


s Authentication is what you would use if the data resides on the same machine as the SharePoint front end, or your organization is using Kerberos. With this setting, the credentials of the user are used to connect to the data source.If you select None, then the credentials identified as the “Unattended Service Account” (if configured) in the Excel Services configuration will be used. You can only use one of these accounts, and when configuring it, it too will use the Secure Storage Service. We want to select our credential set and we do so by selecting SSS, and entering the ID of the credential set that we created in step 1 above.

Next, we need to save this connection into the SharePoint data connection library that we created in step 2. Click the Browse button, enter the URL of the library in the Address bar, choose a name and click save.


Finally, When you’re done, click finish, and fill out the metadata form that pops up with any comments or keywords that you might want to use later to fine the connection document. Now we have a connection document in the connection library.

5. Create The Excel Content

When you’re done creating the connection document, Excel will prompt you to insert a pivot table or chart. Choose the location, and Excel will insert it for you, and put you in pivot edit mode. You can select your dimensions and measures, and build your chart accordingly. When you’re ready, your worksheet should look something like this.


Later, we’ll want to show just the chart on a dashboard page, and to do that, we need to make sure that our chart has a logical name, so we need to do that, as highlighted above. Any named range can be published out to an Excel Services web part. When ready, it’s time to publish to SharePoint, but we also want to set some file properties first. These properties are very well hidden….

Click on the “File” tab to go to the backstage. Once in the backstage, click on the “Save and Send” tab on the left hand side. Then click on “Save to SharePoint”. Your screen will appear as follows:


Finally, we need to click on the Publish Options button. This allows you to control what gets used by Excel Services, and what appears when the spreadsheet is opened in the browser. It also lets us define parameters which can be used by the Excel Services web part, but  I won’t be using parameters here. I will however choose to publish only my chart and my pivot table to Excel Services, so I click on the dropdown option in the Show tab, change it to “items in the workbook”, and check my two items.


Finally I can click OK, then click on “Save to SharePoint” and save the spreadsheet in the library created in step 3 above.

6. Test the File and Publish the Chart in a Dashboard

Navigate to the library that you stored the report and click on it. The file should open in a browser, and you should see the first item (alphabetically) that you set to publish above.


You can switch between published items, using the view dropdown highlighted above. Once you’ve gotten this far, everything is working, and we’re ready to put our chart into a dashboard page.

All that we’ll need to know is the name of the item, and the address of the spreadsheet. In our case, our item is “Chart 2” and the URL of the spreadsheet is http://uvspdev2010/ExcelReports/MySpreadsheet.xlsx. Navigate to anywhere in the site collection that you’d like to show the chart. I’m going to use a team site. From the destination, select Site Actions – Edit Page (or select Edit from the ribbon). Place your cursor where you want the chart to appear, click the Insert tab on the ribbon and click the Web Part button. Select the Business Data category, Choose the “Excel Web Access” part and click insert.


Once added, click on the “Click here to open the tool pane” link, and enter all desired parameters. The two crucial parameters are Workbook and Named Item. When adding content to a dashboard, I find that it is better to remove all of the buttons and web part chrome, but that’s totally dependent on the use case. When ready, my web part parameters look something like this:


At this point, you can click OK, and you should see your item on the page in context.

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Congratulations – you’re done!!

This was meant to be a “Hello World” walkthrough, and thus, I’ve left out quite a bit. You can add slicers and all kind of cool BI functions to your sheet, and they’re work in the browser. This is showing data in a cube, and therefore the chart will be updated when the cube is. You can also use parameters in Excel and drive them through filter web parts and connections on the display pages.

There ARE a lot of moving parts here, but once the infrastructure is set up, power users can do some pretty spectacular things using just Excel and SharePoint, and they can do so in a fully managed environment. Oddly enough, chances are that your power users probably already know both of these tools.