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Creating Data Driven Subscriptions for Power BI Reports

One of the features that has never made the leap from SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) on-premises to the cloud is data-driven subscriptions. Users can subscribe to reports, but a data-driven subscription allows individual subscriptions to be stored in a central location and parameterized, while delivering the reports to multiple locations. This article will describe a pattern for accomplishing this using SharePoint lists as the subscription store, and Power Automate as the automation tool, for a no-code solution to this requirement.

**Updated – Sept 24 2020** The new Power Automate “Export to File” power BI actions completely remove the need to create custom connectors (outlined below). I am leaving the steps in this post, because the approach can be used for other things, but these new actions make this whole process significantly easier, and cheaper. The Export to file actions are NOT premium actions in Power Automate.


In order to implement this pattern it is necessary to have access to Power Automate and to SharePoint, both of which are available in Office 365. The custom connector described below uses the Power BI Rest API and the ExportTo function, which require a dedicated capacity (Premium) in Power BI to work. This pattern works with both interactive (pbix) and paginated reports. Paginated reports also require the use of a dedicated capacity. Data-driven subscriptions in SSRS were always an Enterprise feature on premises, so this requirement should come as no surprise.

Custom Connector

Currently, there are a number of actions available for Power BI within Power Automate. Unfortunately, none of these actions have the ability of rendering and saving a report, but that is something that the Power BI REST API can do. It is possible however to call this API using a custom connector in Power Automate.

Chris Webb recently put together a series of articles on using the Export function in the Power BI REST API with Power Automate. The first article outlines the process of creating the connector, as well as a downloadable Swagger (Open API) definition file that this pattern is based on. The second describes using it within Power Automate.

I won’t re-invent the wheel on the custom connector creation instructions here, just point you to the blogs above to create a connector. Once the custom connection is created, it will be possible to implement data-driven subscriptions.


Subscriptions can be stored just about anywhere, but for the purposes of this example, we’re going to use a SharePoint list. What we want is the ability to specify the title of a report, what format we want it rendered in, and the destination. The Custom connector will require the workspace ID and the Report ID of the report in Power BI, in addition to the output format. In addition, we want to be able to take advantage of parameters in paginated reports, so our subscription definition needs to contain a parameter value pair as well.

The following SharePoint Columns will be used in a custom list:

Column NameColumn Type
TitleSingle line of text
Workspace GUIDSingle line of text
Report GUIDSingle line of text
File FormatChoice
Destination TypeChoice
DestinationSingle line of text
ParameterNameSingle line of text
ParameterValueSingle line of text

The choices for file format are the different output formats supported by the Export API. They are CSV, DOCX, IMAGE, MHTML, PDF, PNG, PPTX, XLSX, and XML. In my case I set the default to PDF as that is the most common format, but that choice is optional.

PowerAutomate supports a wide variety of file storage mechanisms, so the choices for destination type really depend on what destinations you want to support. In my case, I chose OneDrive for Business, SharePoint libraries, and email recipients. Therefore, one subscription could save to SharePoint while another delivers a file to an email user. These destinations will be reflected in the PowerAutomate flow created below.

Once the list is created, it can be populated with a few entries. In my example below, I am rendering reports from tyGraph for Twitter. Three are paginated reports going to each of the above destinations, and the last is an interactive (pbix) report being delivered to a SharePoint library.

The first three in the list are passing in a different parameter value to each report. Report parameters are not available to interactive reports, so these values are left empty for the interactive report.

The workspace GUID and the report GUID can be obtained by opening the report in a browser, and then inspecting the URL. This is true for both paginated and interactive reports.

Power Automate

Chris Webb’s post referenced above describes a pattern for rendering an export file from a Power Automate flow. We will use this within the pattern here.

The flow will iterate through the subscription list, and for each item found will render the report and save it to the desired output location. It can be created with any trigger, and for our purposes we are using the Recurrence trigger.

The first action in the flow is the SharePoint Get items action. Configure it to get all of the items from the subscription list created above.

We will need a name for the output file in multiple saving steps. It’s a good idea to create a variable for the output file name for ease of maintainability. We therefore initialize “Output File Name” as a String variable next.

We then create an “Apply to Each” Action from the control group and apply it to the “value” output from the “Get items” step above. This will iterate through each of our subscriptions.

Within the loop, we next apply the “Export to File” action from the custom connector created above. Instead of hardcoding the values however, we supply the values saved in the subscription. In addition, we pass in the parameter values taken from the subscription.

The same action can be used for both interactive and paginated reports. Interactive reports will simply ignore paginated specific options. Many options are available here, we are just utilizing a few of them. It should also be noted that this pattern only supports a single parameter/value pair. This is for simplicity’s sake, as the action will support multiple pairs.

It is also important to note that the settings of each of these custom actions must be changed to turn off the “Asynchronous Pattern” for the action. Without doing this, the action will fail at run time, even though it may test successfully when creating the custom connector.

In the next step, we set the value of the output file name variable that we set above. This will be called when we send the file to the destination.

In this case, we use the title, the current time, and the file format extension to create the file name. The exact formula is completely optional, but it’s a good idea to make the names unique to avoid overwriting past reports.

In the next step, we wait. Rendering takes some time, and one of the outputs above gives us an indication of how long we need to wait. In order to do so, we use the built in “Delay” action in Power Automate.

For the value of “Count” we select the “retry-after” output from the Export to file action above. It returns the number of seconds that the service estimates for the rendering of the report. This is just an estimate, and no guarantee, so it is possible that when we check on the status of the report, it will not be complete. Therefore, we need to repeat checks until it is. For that, we use a “Do Until” Action, available from the “Controls” section of the flow.

We check for the status of the report using the “Export Status” action of our custom connector. Therefore, we add this action into our loop and configure it appropriately, and tuning off the “Asynchronous Pattern” option as above. The “Export Status” action takes 3 arguments, the Workspace and Report GUIDs (that we get from the SharePoint list item) and exportId – which can be retrieved from the output of our “Export to File” action above as the “id” field.

The status reported as an output of this action will have 1 of 4 possible values: Succeeded, Failed, Running, or NotStarted . We want to continue checking as long as the status is neither “Successful” nor “Failed”. This is an advanced condition for the loop, so the Advanced option for it must be selected and the following code added:

@or(equals(body('Export_Status')?['status'], 'Succeeded'),equals(body('Export_Status')?['status'], 'Failed'))

Where Export_Status is the name of the action. Keep in mind that the language here is case sensitive.

The next action added is a condition where we inspect the value of the “status” output from the “Export Status” action. THe two conditions that we look for are Running or NotStarted. If either of these conditions are true, we need to wait for another estimated time interval. The entire loop will appear as below when configured.

Once the loop completes, we need to inspect the status field to see if it was successful, or if it failed. If it failed, we do nothing, but if it succeeds, we need to retrieve the report for storage in our destination. For this, we will add another condition AFTER the “Do Until” loop to inspect the status output.

Along the no branch, we add nothing, but if the output was successful, we retrieve the contents of the report with the “Get Export File” action of our custom connector. The “Get Export File” accepts the same arguments as the “Export Status” action, and has a single output – Body, which will contain the body of the report.

Once the body of the report has been retrieved, we need to send it to the destination. The destination will be determined from the “Destination Type” and “Destination” values from our subscription. For this, we use the “Switch” action from the Control section. In our case we have case branches for OneDrive for Business, SharePoint, and eMail. Fully configured, these branches appear as below.

Of course, your branches will reflect your possible destinations. The number of possible destinations is large and constantly evolving. In this way, this approach is much less constrained than the classic “data driven subscription” feature in SSRS which supported a fixed number of outputs.

Final Thoughts

While the classic Data Driven Subscriptions feature from SSRS Enterprise will likely not be returning, it is possible to recreate the capability with this approach. Its decoupled nature means that it is more flexible , allowing designer to add their own logic and destinations into the process.

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Business Intelligence in SharePoint 2019

The recent availability of the SharePoint 2019 public preview, and the supporting information that accompanies it has clarified the status of Business Intelligence features in SharePoint 2019. This release, with one exception, is the culmination of the process of decoupling BI from SharePoint which began in SharePoint 2016 through the removal of Excel Services. This decoupling strategy was initially articulated in the fall of 2015 with the document Microsoft Business Intelligence – our reporting roadmap which stated that SQL Server Reporting Services was to be the cornerstone of their on-premises BI investment (and not SharePoint).

The embedded BI features now run with SharePoint as opposed to on SharePoint. These changes do however require some planning and some effort on behalf of those that have already invested in the current platform and wish to move forward on-premises. With this in mind, and the fact that concise information around these changes is a bit difficult to find, I wanted to put this reference together. This post does not get into migration strategies, only the changes themselves.

The source for much of the below comes from discussions with the relevant product teams, and official information is found (today) in two primary places. The document What’s deprecated or removed from SharePoint Server 2019 Public Preview
which was published concurrently with the SharePoint 2019 public preview, and Christopher Finlan‘s presentation at the Microsoft Business Application Summit 2019 entitled Self-service BI and enterprise reporting on-premises with Power BI Report Server.

A summary of the changes to BI features, and a brief discussion of each is below.

Feature Status
SQL Server Reporting Services Integrated Mode Removed
Power View Removed
BISM file connections Removed
PerformancePoint Deprecated
PerformancePoint – Decomposition Trees Removed
Power Pivot for SharePoint Removed
Scheduled workbook data refresh Removed
Workbook as a data source Removed
PowerPivot management dashboard Removed
PowerPivot Gallery Removed

SQL Server Reporting Services Integrated Mode

SSRS Integrated mode was deprecated in November 2016, as was not a part of SQL Server 2017. However, organizations could continue to use SSRS versions from 2016 and prior in SharePoint 2016. This is not supported in SharePoint 2019, which means that integrated mode isn’t an option at all with SharePoint 2019. The good news is that the recent Report Viewer web part fully replicates the capabilities of the SSRS Integrated mode web part.

Power View

Power View was a feature of SSRS Integrated mode and is available in Excel. When Excel Services was removed in 2016, Power View in Excel required SSRS Integrated mode to work. Both supporting platforms are now gone, and thus Power View is not supported in SharePoint 2019.

BISM file connections

The BISM file connection type was used by Excel and SSRS to connect Power View reports to SQL Server Analysis Services data sources. This connection type has been removed along with Power View.

PerformancePoint Services

PerformancePoint is a combination of capabilities that includes dashboarding, scorecards, and analytic reports. Very few new features have been added to PerformancePoint in the last few versions, and this one even loses a few. Many of of these features are also available in Power BI and Power BI report server, and Microsoft has taken the decision to deprecate this product. This gives customers with a PerformancePoint investment time to migrate their assets but is a clear indication that it will also be removed in a subsequent release.

PerformancePoint – Decomposition Trees

The Decomposition Tree feature in PerformancePoint came originally from ProClarity – one of the three products that made up the original PerformancePoint product. These visuals are based on Silverlight, and have been removed from the product accordingly.

PowerPivot for SharePoint

PowerPivot for SharePoint is not supported in SharePoint 2019. PP4SP was originally a combination of two technologies – a specialized version of SQL Server Analysis Services, and a SharePoint service application. In the 2016 version, these two parts were split into two – the SSAS component became a part of the SQL Server installation media as SSQL – PowerPivot mode, and the service application, which continued the name PowerPivot for SharePoint. To be clear, it is the second of the two that has been removed. SSAS PowerPivot mode continues to be an important component and is used by Office Online Server for working with Excel files that have embedded models.

Scheduled workbook data refresh

This feature allowed for the automatic refresh of the data stored within Excel workbooks in SharePoint. It requires a PowerPivot data model to work, but the refresh operation would refresh all connected data in the workbook on a scheduled basis. This was a component of PowerPivot for SharePoint. It has recently been announced that this capability will soon be available in Power BI Report Server.

Workbook as a data source

With PowerPivot for SharePoint deployed, it is possible to use the data model in a published Excel workbook as the data source for another workbook. This feature will no longer be available, and there are no plans at present to reintroduce it.

PowerPivot Management Dashboard

Originally a part of SharePoint Central Administration, the management dashboard provided status updates on all PowerPivot for SharePoint operations. Being a part of PowerPivot for SharePoint, this has been removed accordingly.

PowerPivot Gallery

The PowerPivot Gallery is a modified SharePoint Document library form that displays worksheet thumbnails contained in published Excel workbooks. This component is Silverlight based, and part of PowerPivot for SharePoint. It has been removed accordingly.

Power View, Decomposition trees, and the PowerPivot gallery were the last remaining features that carried a Silverlight dependency. SharePoint 2019 no longer has any Silverlight dependencies.

These changes are significant for anyone with an existing Business Intelligence investment that plans to move to SharePoint 2019. I intent to write more about migration strategies and will be addressing these topics at various conferences in the future.


SharePoint and the New SSRS/PBIRS Native Mode Report Viewer Web Part

When SQL Server 2016 was released, I wrote a post that covered how to integrate SharePoint 2016 with SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) in native mode. I wrote that post because although SSRS was still available in SharePoint Integrated Mode, many of the new features were only in Native mode. It also wasn’t difficult to surmise that Integrated mode had a limited lifespan at that point, a fact that was confirmed in November 2016.

As my integration article pointed out, one of the glaring problems integrating Native mode with SharePoint was that the Native Mode web part had significantly less capability than the one that was available with Integrated mode, not to mention the fact that it was deprecated. Parameter support was first and foremost among those missing features. Organizations that had incorporated SSRS reports into their SharePoint based dashboards couldn’t just move to Native Mode, and those dashboards relied heavily on the ability to pass parameter values to the SSRS reports through the web part. SSRS did make it easier to embed reports into pages without a web part through the rs:Embed URL directive, but there was no real way to make that dynamic.

The introduction of Power BI Report Server (PBIRS), and its ability to render Power BI reports also left the SharePoint dashboard folks without a solution. Although PBIRS is a superset of SSRS, it is only available in Native Mode, in fact, there’s no longer any need to mention modes. SharePoint dashboards that used SSRS report components were stuck at the 2016 version.

Until now.

Today, Microsoft unveiled the new, fully capable SSRS/PBIRS Report Viewer web part for SharePoint.

Integrated Mode Native Mode

“Meet the new boss, same as the old boss” – Pete Townshend

The web part allows paginated reports from either SSRS in Native mode, or Power BI Report Server to be embedded into a SharePoint page. Essentially, it brings all the capabilities of the integrated mode web part to the native mode web part. Organizations that have bet on SSRS running in Integrated mode can now seamlessly move their reports to SSRS Native mode, or to Power BI Report Server. Let’s have a quick look at some of the details.

Parameter and view support

All the options that we’ve come to expect from the integrated mode web part are here in the new web part. Toolbar options can be controlled at a fine level and web parts can be connected to pass in parameter values. In fact, as seen above, the only difference between the two modes now is the report location option.

C2WTS and Kerberos required… unless

With Integrated mode, Kerberos constrained delegation (KCD) was only required if you needed the user’s identity passed back to the data source. This was because Integrated mode and SharePoint itself shared the same access mechanism. Native mode and PBIRS have their own membership providers, and this new (server side) web part needs to connect to the report server itself to authenticate the user. This is an additional “hop” and therefore requires Kerberos constrained delegation. This only gets the user as far as the report server itself. To get the user’s identity further downstream, KCD will also need to be set up between the report server and data source(s).

SharePoint 2016 in most cases uses claims authentication, and SSRS/PBIRS does not. This also means that the Claims to Windows Token Service (C2WTS) must also be running in your SharePoint environment. This allows the user’s NTLM identity to be extracted and sent via KCD to the SSRS/PBIRS server.

There is one case where KCD is not required, and that is when SSRS is running on a machine in the SharePoint farm along with C2WTS. In a small environment, this may be suitable, but if scaling is a factor, you may need to crack open your Kerberos books.

Paginated reports only

Even though SSRS supports the new RSMobile report format, and PBIRS also now supports both Interactive (Power BI) and analytical (Excel) reports, this web part is only built to render paginated reports. Up until 2016, paginated was the only report type supported by SSRS, so this will not be a problem for those looking to move forward. However, for those people that are looking to embed these other formats in SharePoint on premises, there are other options.

Both Power BI and mobile reports can be embedded into a SharePoint page using the script editor web part alongside the rs:Embed=true URL directive. Parameters can be passed to mobile reports using this technique, and text filters can be passed to interactive reports as well. Excel reports can be embedded with the Excel Services web part, the way that they always have which itself allows for passing slicer values. However, for this to work, the Excel files need to be stored in SharePoint, not PBIRS.

On-premises only

The new web part deploys to the SharePoint farm as a WSP solution file, which means that this is an on-premises solution only. Given that SSRS/PBIRS are also on-premises products, this shouldn’t pose much of a problem. It IS possible to ebbed on prem reports into SharePoint Online pages with the script editor web part for classic pages, and the embed web part for modern pages. A complete summary of report/SharePoint edition embed options can be seen below.

Report type

SharePoint Online modern page

SharePoint Online classic page

SharePoint on-premises

PBIX on Power BI Service

Power BI WP




Modern embed content WP

Script editor WP

Script editor WP

RDL on PBIRS or SSRS Native

Modern embed content WP

Script editor WP

Report Viewer WP NEW!

RDL on SSRS Integrated mode

Modern embed content WP

Script editor WP**


XLSX (stored in SharePoint)


Excel Services WP

Excel Services WP

RSMobile on SSRS/PBIRS (Native)

Modern embed content WP

Script editor WP**

Script editor WP

*    NOT recommended

**     Requires adding sever to HTML Field Security options in site collection settings

In summary, the new native mode web part will be very welcome for those organizations that have been feeling stranded by the deprecation of SharePoint Integrated mode. The very fact that it is now available also underscores that SharePoint still plays an important role in the Microsoft Business Intelligence ecosystem. It may no longer be a prerequisite, but it still adds value, and those are both very good things.


SQL Server Reporting Services vs Power BI Report Server – What’s the Difference?

Power BI Report Server (PBIRS) was first introduced in May 2017. Based on SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), it brings the ability to work with Power BI reports completely on premises in addition to all the other capabilities of SSRS. Given this, it would be reasonable to conclude that PBIRS was the next version of, or a replacement for SSRS, but that is not the case. I have heard people state that SSRS is “going away”, but this is simply not the case. SSRS is still a core part of the Microsoft BI stack. So, what are the differences between the two platforms? The differences boil down to features, licensing, and update cadence.


Early builds of SSRS 2017 (V.Next at the time) contained the ability to render Power BI (Interactive) reports in addition to the “classic” RDL (Paginated) reports that SSRS is well known for and the recently added RSMOBILE (Mobile) report types. However, when PBIRS was introduced, SSRS lost that capability, and from a feature standpoint, it really was the only difference between the two. The recent introduction of the Excel report type (Analytical) to PBIRS has further differentiated the two products.

From a features standpoint, the differences between the two products are straightforward. PBIRS is a superset of SSRS. It contains everything that SSRS has, and it ads the ability to render both Interactive (PBIX) and Analytical (XLSX) reports.


Licensing is where things get a little more involved. SSRS was always included on the SQL Server installation media, but with SQL Server 2017, this is no longer the case, it’s a separate download (the RC version of SSRS 2017 is currently available for download here). However, the license for SSRS is still tied to your version of SQL Server. Therefore, if you have a license for Standard mode SQL Server, you will be able to use the Standard mode features of SSRS, Enterprise unlocks the Enterprise features, etc. As of the 2017 version, there is also no longer an Integrated mode of SSRS, it’s Native Mode only.

Power BI Report Server is licensed in one of two ways. Purchasing Power BI Premium capacity gives you a license to run the same number of cores as you have in the capacity. This ONLY applies to Premium P SKUs, not any others such as EM. The other way that it can be licensed is by purchasing SQL Server Enterprise Edition + Software Assurance.

Release cadence

Just as with licensing, the timing of releases of SSRS is also tied to that of SQL Server. Whenever a new version of SQL Server is released, a new version of SSRS will be as well. This is not the case for PBIRS. Since PBIRS is considered a standalone product this makes sense, and the constant pace of change in the Power BI service itself necessitates a more frequent update cadence.

As an example, PBIRS first came into General Availability (GA) in June 2017, and as of this writing (Sept 2017) is already in preview for its next release, whereas SSRS 2017 hasn’t yet gone to GA.

How to choose

The choice between which platform to use will likely be straightforward and likely driven by requirements. If your organization only uses paginated reports on premises, you may find that SSRS is a more cost-effective option. If, on the other hand you have the need to render interactive or analytical reports on premises, or you already have SQL Server Enterprise Edition with Software Assurance, then PBIRS will likely be your best choice. There are no circumstances that I can think of where both products will be advisable, if you have PBIRS, you have everything that SSRS offers and more.


Power BI Report Server Completes the Vision for On-Premises Reporting

Microsoft today made available the August 2017 preview of Power BI ReportServer 2017. This preview includes the long awaited support of embedded data models, as well as the ability to render Excel reports natively. This is a major step forward, because with this release, Microsoft has completed its vision for its on-premises reporting platform that it first articulated in October of 2015.

Excel content being rendered in Power BI Reporting Server

The big news at the time was that the platform was stated to be SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). Not SharePoint, not PerformancePoint, but SSRS. SSRS was a mature product that quite competently provided a platform for operational reports. What it needed was some modernization and the addition of some analytical and self-service reporting capabilities. Several of these capabilities were subsequently included with the release of SSRS 2016.

Gone would be the days of configuring complex SharePoint farms just to be able to work with analytical reports (ie Power View, Excel). New Features were being added to SSRS to make it a complete platform for both analytical and operational reports.

The Vision

The roadmap articulated four different report types, 3 of them analytical (by my definition) and one of them operational. These three types line up with reporting tools in the Microsoft BI stack:

Name Type Primary authoring tool ext
Paginated Operational SSRS Report Builder
SQL Server Data Tools
Interactive Analytical Power BI Desktop .PBIX
Mobile Analytical Mobile Report Designer .RDLX
Analytical Analytical Excel .XLSX

Therefore, reading between the lines, in order to be a complete reporting platform, SSRS needed to be able to render all of these report types. Paginated reports were of course always native to SSRS, and the roadmap announced that Mobile reports would be included in SSRS 2016 through the integration of Datazen. The roadmap further committed to SSRS being able to render Power BI files in the future.

SSRS 2016

SSRS shipped with some significant modernization improvements, including a much awaited HTML5 rendering engine, and it included Mobile Reports. Mobile reports are delivered through the Power BI mobile application, and SSRS visuals can be pinned to Power BI dashboards.

Significant plumbing was done to move the platform forward in 2016, but it still only rendered 2 of the 4 report types.

In November 2016, it was further announced that the 2016 version of SSRS running in SharePoint Integrated mode would be the last. Moving forward, Reporting Services will only run in Native Mode. In the same announcement. In the same announcement, as I noted in another post, for the first time, the SSRS team committed to providing Excel report rendering capability as well.

Power BI Reporting Server

We first saw the on premises rendering of Power BI reports in the first community preview of SSRS V.Next in the fall of 2016. Those previews required that the reports be directly connected to SSAS tabular models, but they were ground-breaking just the same. A user could be totally disconnected from the web, and still render Power BI reports.

In May of 2017, Power BI Report Server (PBIRS) was announced. A less confusing name could have potentially been SSRS Premium, because that is in essence what it is. PBIRS is everything that SSRS is, plus the ability to render Power BI reports. SSRS will continue forward as a product without Power BI rendering capabilities. It is just a licensing distinction.

The release today of the August 2017 preview of PBIRS allows for embedded data models, and therefore a much wider breadth of capabilities. These models cannot be automatically refreshed yet, but they will upon release. This is, after all, just a preview. If you need automatic refresh of these data models in the meantime, there is an excellent third party solution to do this: PowerPivot Pro’s Power Update.

The inclusion of Excel report rendering capabilities means that PBIRS is a complete report rendering platform, more complete even that the Power BI cloud service.

Moving Forward

Now that the basic on-premises capability has been provided, SSRS/PBIRS needs to pay attention to paying back the debt that it incurred when SharePoint Integrated mode was deprecated. Chief among these features is the SSRS web part. The lack of a decent web part is a blocker for many organizations to move forward with this strategy. Some migration tools to move from Integrated to Native mode (like this one that migrates in the other direction) would be highly useful as well.

Now with on-premises covering all the bases, it’s easy to spot a glaring hole in the cloud Power BI offering. While it supports all three types of analytical reports, there is currently no way to render operational reports in the cloud. Until this capability is provided, it appears that on-premises will have the most complete solution.