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The Difference Between Reporting and Analytics is 42

In his novel “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, Douglas Adams envisioned a giant supercomputer named “Deep Thought” that was built to solve the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything. For the 5 people out there that are unfamiliar with the story, I’ll relate the important bits here. Deep Thought was commissioned by a race of pan-dimensional beings and required seven and a half million years to complete its calculations. When it was finally complete, Deep Thought informed the descendants of the original creators that the answer was 42. The receivers were understandably disappointed with this response, and when they questioned Deep Thought further, the computer postulated that perhaps the problem was that they never really knew what the question was.

Undeterred, the race then commissioned a second computer (which happened to be the Earth) that would calculate the ultimate question. After a couple of 10 million year attempts, the ultimate question was determined to be “What do you get when you multiply six by nine”. Of course, Adams never claimed that the universe made sense.

To my mind, this is an excellent demonstration of the difference between reporting and analytics. The accurate answer (report) provided a result, but not meaning. Further analytics were necessary to determine context.

Like many information technology terms (Big Data, machine learning, CRM) Business Intelligence (BI) is one of those umbrella terms that many people use regularly without fully understanding its meaning. BI is comprised of many tools that help to glean information and insights from raw data. Thus, an ETL package that moves data from one location to another is just as much a BI tool as is a fancy looking infographic. Combine this lack of clarity with the overloading of the term “reporting, and we wind up with some real confusion in this space.

Reporting is the process of using data to highlight things or trends that have already happened. This can be contrasted with monitoring, which does the same for things that are happening now, and predictive analytics, which tries to predict what will happen in the future based on the same data. The difference between reporting and monitoring is only one of data latency, and as such, monitoring is often referred to as real time reporting, which further muddies the water. However, for the purposes of this article, I want to focus on historical reporting.

Reports are typically one of two types, either operational or analytical. Tools that are good at producing one type are typically not so good at producing the other. What’s the difference? Operational reports are designed to provide information that we know we need, and analytical reports are designed to help us discover things that we didn’t know, or to help answer unanticipated questions. Operational reports are typically designed to be printed. They are typically well paginated, pixel perfect, and provide a single view of the data within any given report. Analytical reports are just the opposite. They are designed with visuals as a starting point, but allow for the ability to pivot on or drill down into the data as appropriate to answer ad-hoc questions. Printing is typically a weakness for analytical reports, whereas drilldown is a weakness for operational reports.

Both report types have their place but they both have very different design point. The data that backs an operational report should ideally be relatively flat, as that best reflects the report layout and helps with performance. Conversely, cubes and data models exist simply because a flat data structure does not adequately support analytical reporting. With analytical reporting, a user may at any point decide to view quantitative data (a measure) through the lens of a different facet (dimension). This difference is so great, that we need a different type of engine to support it. OLAP cubes and tabular models are both examples of this.

Another difference is the data that is necessary to support both report types. Operational reports tend to concern themselves with various levels of subtotals per the predefined facets. In a case like that, the data mart that backs the report only needs to store those subtotals. The granularity, or resolution of the data stored in the data mart does not need to exceed that of report that references it. Analytical reporting is different. Since users will be expected to drill down on data, from on dimension to another, or to filter the data according to increasingly granular facets, it is critical to store all of the data in the data mart backing the data model. We don’t know the level of resolution the analyst will need; therefore, all detail is required.

As a simple example of this, consider the case where we want to analyze some server log data over a period of time. We can pre-aggregate the data in the data model such that it stores the total of the log entries of various entries on a daily basis. There would need to be a total based on each dimension, but the overall data storage would be less than for the raw data. Such data would allow an analyst to spot trends over several days, but the decrease in resolution means that it will be impossible to spot any usage trends within a given day. If daily trends will never be necessary, then this doesn’t matter, but the nature of analytical reports means that the designer can never be sure.

The more that the source data for the report is pre-aggregated, the less that report becomes analytical in nature, and the more it approaches operational. This is regardless of the tool used; you can build either report type with any tool, it’s just that it may not be optimal.

The issue here is one of semantics. Semantics however are important in knowing what you are getting if reports are being provided to you. Calling something “Analytics” does not make it so. If you spin up a content pack in Power BI, and find that the underlying data model provides just enough dimensions and measure to construct the provided report, and that you can’t deconstruct the data in any meaningful way, what you have is a report, not analytics, no matter what the platform. As with anything, there is a trade-off between complexity and power. Given the nuances of this topic, it’s important to look under the hood to know what you are getting.

The answer “42” is perfectly acceptable if you already knew that the question was “what is 6×9?”. But if you want to know why, that takes a little more digging. You’d also know that there might be a data problem…


Completing the Microsoft Reporting Roadmap

In the recent announcement outlining the SharePoint integration strategy on the SQL Server Reporting Services Team’s blog, there was a statement that was almost hidden that I think deserves more attention. The statement was:

“….in time, we aim to support web-based viewing of Excel workbooks in Native mode…”

This may not sound like a big deal – after all, we’ve been able to serve up Excel workbooks in a browser since Excel Services was initially introduced with SharePoint 2007. However, as per Microsoft’s Reporting Roadmap from October 2015, Reporting Services is their on-premises solution for BI report delivery. If an Excel workbook is to be considered a report, the SSRS absolutely should be able to do it. The roadmap defined four types of reports:

  • Paginated
  • Interactive
  • Analytical
  • Mobile

I tend to see there being two types of reports, Structured and Analytical. In the list above, Structured corresponds with Paginated, and the other 3 types are different subtypes of Analytical. They four categories do, however line up well with the different reporting technologies available.

Report Type File Type
Paginated RDL (Classic SSRS)
Interactive PBIX (Power BI)
Analytical XLSX (Excel)
Mobile RSMOBILE (SSRS Mobile aka Datazen)

The roadmap was primarily concerned with the future of SSRS, but SSRS is Microsoft’s stated report delivery platform for on-premises reporting. The platform for cloud reporting is of course Power BI. There is a third platform for the delivery of “Analytical”, or Excel based reports, and that’s Excel Online. On premises, it’s called Office Online Server, but it is the same technology. The three platforms and their capabilities are shown below.


Excel Online/OOS

Power BI

















The technical preview of Power BI reports in Reporting Services is available for testing, which covers Interactive reports in SSRS, and the above statement indicates that there is a solution to support Analytic reports in SSRS as well. The Power BI platform does this already, and it is done by leveraging the capabilities of Excel Online. Given the fact that Office Online server provides the same capabilities on premises, it makes sense that it would be used by SSRS when the Excel workbook support is added.

It should also be noted that the above comparison shows Mobile reports being supported by Power BI. To be clear, Power BI does not support RSMOBILE files, but regular Power BI reports are inherently mobile and available through the Power BI mobile client. which is also how RSMOBILE reports are delivered to end users.

The Reporting Services team is clearly very close to completing the vision laid out over a year ago, in the Reporting Roadmap for on-premises users. If the goal is to have parity between on-premises and cloud platforms, the only thing remaining (apart from possible support of the RSMOBILE format) is support for Paginated reports in Power BI. There have been no statements made regarding this capability, but its absence is certainly notable.

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The Future of Report Integration with SharePoint

Yesterday, Microsoft made official what many, including myself had been suspecting ever since the release of SQL Server 2016 – that SQL Server Reporting Services Integrated mode would not exist in the future. With the announcement, we now know the timeline of when that will happen. SSRS Integrated Mode will not be included with the next version of SQL Server. Instead, SSRS Native mode will be more tightly integrated with SharePoint for those organizations that use both products. As someone that has always approached Business Intelligence from the SharePoint point of view, I see this is a good thing.

This change is another step in the process of de-cluttering and uncomplicating SharePoint. This process started arguably with the move away from fully trusted code running on SharePoint, to the newer app, add-in and now SPFx development models that run with SharePoint. When Excel Services was removed from SharePoint in SharePoint 2016, with its capabilities moved to Office Online Server this process became obvious. A decreased dependency on SharePoint allows for simpler, more streamlined architectures, better options for upgrade management, and better, more targeted performance management.

SSRS SharePoint Integrated mode has been with us in various forms since it was first introduced in SQL Server 2005 SP2. The original goal was to simplify the integration of the two products, and to take advantage of SharePoint’s storage and authorization capabilities. The integration has always worked well, but the very fact that these two products were delivered by two different product teams on different media, often on different release schedules has typically led to a great deal of confusion. The SharePoint prerequisite for Integrated Mode leads to far too many SQL servers having SharePoint installed on them.

Managing SSRS in SharePoint Integrated mode requires a combined skill set to some degree as well, with knowledge of both SSRS and SharePoint. SharePoint administrators tend to be intimidated by SSRS, and SharePoint simply mystifies SQL DBAs.

The fact that the two different modes did not always maintain feature parity is another problem. PowerView and several other features are only available through SharePoint integrated mode. This results in entire SharePoint farms being created for the sole purpose of providing reporting features. Since those performing these installations are typically not familiar with SharePoint best practices, these farms tend to be unreliable. The latest release of SSRS 2016 contains a massive number of new features, but many of them in Native mode only, leaving the SharePoint integrated folks with a decision whether to favour features or integration.

A strategy that reduces the dependency of one platform on the other is therefore to everyone’s advantage.

The two operating modes also represent two different code streams for Microsoft to maintain. Given the finite set of resources that is any development team, resources must be spent on maintaining both of these streams that could otherwise be applied to features. A single code stream is simply more efficient.

Preventing the wholesale move to Native mode are several SharePoint integration features that have been employed over the years that are only available in SharePoint Integrated mode.

There has been a SharePoint Report viewer web part for SSRS Native mode since SharePoint 2003. The trouble is that while it does work, it is deprecated, and hasn’t been updated since SQL Server 2008 R2. It also doesn’t allow for parameter binding, or interface control. For all intents and purposes, it is an iFrame embed of a report. The web part that is available through integrated mode allows for parameter interactivity, and significant control of the look and feel. It has been widely deployed. Integrated mode also allows for the reporting of SharePoint list data, and the ability to publish reports to a SharePoint library on a schedule. These features are well utilized in the market today.

Power View reports (RDLX) built on top of SSAS tabular models, or Excel Power Pivot models also require Integrated mode. Compounding this is the fact that Power View requires Silverlight, which does not work in either the Chrome nor the Microsoft Edge browsers.

These integration features will need to be added to Native mode before it will be possible to fully abandon Integrated mode. The good news is that the announcement commits to doing just that. Report embed, Report viewer web part, and SharePoint library destination capabilities will all be added. For Power View reports, a conversion tool will be provided to convert from RDLX into Power BI Desktop (PBIX). A technical preview is already availably that demonstrated PBIX rendering in SSRS.

This announcement signals the end of SSRS SharePoint Integrated mode, but it does not spell the end of SSRS SharePoint integration. The single mode architecture should be more approachable, simpler, and more efficient. It’s a win all the way around.


SSRS 2016 – Integrated or Native Mode – Which one should you use?

The answer to the SQL Server Reporting Services Integrated vs. Native mode question used to be very simple. Once upon a time, if you had a SharePoint environment, you would want to deploy SharePoint Integrated mode, and if you didn’t, you would pick Native. Integrated mode would leverage your pre-existing security model in SharePoint, it would allow reports to look like documents in SharePoint making them more user friendly, and you would be able to use the advanced features of the SSRS web parts in SharePoint. Non-SharePoint users were able to do what they needed around security and report storage with Native mode. Everyone was happy.

SQL Server 2012 changed that a little bit. Power View reports were first introduced in SQL Server 2012 as a part of SSRS. These reports leveraged the tabular (PowerPivot) data models available in SSAS 2012 and provided some very user friendly tools for self service analytical reporting. However, one of the catches introduced was that Power View reports were only available in SharePoint Integrated mode. Suddenly, the choice of mode became feature based. This suited those with SharePoint environments just fine, but those without SharePoint would now need to stand up a SharePoint farm just to gain access to Power View. This is a daunting prospect, especially for those unfamiliar with SharePoint. This requirement, coupled with the minimal investment into new features for core SSRS in SQL Server 2012 had the effect of making the Native mode users feel abandoned. After all, we know what typically happens when Microsoft stops investing in a product. The balance was heavily tilted in the favour of Integrated mode.

The new normal

This situation remained exactly the same in SQL Server 2014, but has changed dramatically with SQL Server 2016. SSRS in SQL Server 2016 contains significant advancements, chief among them are a new HTML5 rendering engine, a new report portal, mobile reports, and (soon) Power BI Desktop rendering. This is fantastic news, but it also changes the game significantly with respect to the Integrated/Native mode decision. With SSRS 2016, most of the new investments are in Native mode only – the balance has shifted. The table below shows an (incomplete) list of new features, and their supported modes.

Feature Integrated Mode Native Mode
HTML 5 based rendering engine X X
New chart types X X
PDF based printing (no ActiveX) X X
PowerPoint rendering and export X X
New UI for Report Builder X X
Customizable parameters pane X
New web portal X
Mobile reports X
Pint to Power BI X
Render Power BI reports* X

* Coming soon

You can see above that the balance has shifted very heavily in favour of Native mode. The folks using Native mode are very happy about this move – they are no longer having SharePoint forced on them in order to access new features. However, now it’s the SharePoint folks turn to feel abandoned, but they really don’t need to. SSRS Integrated mode is still getting a significant enhancement in 2016, it’s just not as significant as the improvement to Native Mode. Integrated mode is also still required for rendering Power View reports. Last fall’s Reporting Roadmap reconfirmed Microsoft’s commitment to SharePoint as a platform -“We will continue to support embedding of BI content into SharePoint”. SharePoint has a bright future as an report destination. The only question is how that will be brought about.

It may well be that the features had to go into Native mode first in order to meet the shipping schedules, and that they’ll be brought along eventually. I suspect however that this is not the case. I think that this is either the last, or penultimate version of SSRS to contain Integrated mode. If the same level of embedding into SharePoint could be provided by Native mode, and the user experience improved (as it has been in the new report portal) then there is very little real need for Integrated mode at all.

Building shared service applications in SharePoint is a non-trivial task, and those resources could likely be better spent on features for SSRS. A new embedding model could support both SharePoint on-premises (as it currently does) and SharePoint Online (as it currently doesn’t). The same mechanism could be used to embed Power BI reports. We’ve already seen glimpses of this hybrid interoperability in the SSRS and Excel pin visual to Power BI capability. I suspect that over time we’ll see SSRS Native mode and its reporting portal also assume the role currently played by PerformancePoint Services as well. For all of these reasons, I think that SSRS Native mode is the only future for SSRS.

But that’s the future. What about the present?

When I first learned of these developments, I suspected that I would be recommending Native mode for anyone moving forward. However, as I discuss in an earlier article, the SSRS web parts for Native mode are deprecated, and missing key pieces of functionality, parameters being first among them. They are really little more than iframes, and they certainly can’t replace the Integrated mode web parts. If you’re going to use reporting in SharePoint in any meaningful way, or you are looking to upgrade an existing SharePoint farm with SSRS integration to 2016, you’re going to need Integrated mode. That means no mobile reports, report manager, or Power BI integration.

So why choose?

There is nothing stopping you (apart from possibly licensing) from running both modes. Using Integrated mode, you can take advantage of the new rendering engine, etc, and a separate Native mode server can be used for Report Manager, mobile reports, and Power BI integration. Over time, more reports can be brought over to Native mode and the embedding story improves. Once they are all brought over in “the future”, the Integrated mode service can be simply removed. This provides for a smooth, gradual migration. In fact, you can set up an SSRS 2016 Native mode server along side an existing SharePoint 2013 farm with SSRS 2014 or earlier Integrated mode to get started. Your SharePoint reports won’t have any of the new features, but your Native mode certainly will.

We are clearly in a transitional stage when it comes to on-premises reporting technologies from Microsoft. There are significant, bold steps forward, but there is also a legacy of technology to support. The current lineup of technologies allows for both approaches for organizations to embrace at their own pace.


Where we are with the BI Workload in SharePoint 2016 – BI Focal #4

This past week, on March 24 2016, My co-host Jason Himmelstein and I had the privilege of hosting Kay Unkroth and Gregory Appel from Microsoft on our monthly BI Focal web show. Kay and Gregory are both Senior Product Managers at Microsoft. Kay is responsible for both the PowerPivot for SharePoint and SQL Server Reporting Services service applications, and Gregory is responsible for Excel Online in Office Online Server (or as we’ve come to affectionately call it, Excel Online On-prem). We titled the show SELECT From On-Prem WHERE version=’2016′. The recent release of SharePoint 2016 RTM, and the imminent release of Office Online Server and SQL Server 2016 make this topic particularly relevant.

What transpired was a frank, hour long (almost) discussion on the current state of the On-premises BI story from Microsoft. We discussed a number of burning topics such as

  • The implications for the deprecation of Excel Services
  • The new focus on SSRS as a BI platform
  • How SharePoint fits in to the new Microsoft BI vision
  • The status of PerformancePoint and Visio Services
  • Where Power BI fits into the on-prem picture
  • The upgrade story for 2016 BI, and version dependencies

I had a great time participating in this discussion, which was jam packed with great information. The recording of it is now available from IT Unity, or below.


As always, Jason and I would like to thank IT Unity for all of the logistical information for the show, and our guests who graciously donated their time.

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